A Transformative Approach to Life & Leadership
We are committed to shifting the perspectives of individuals and organizations to view the world through an outward mindset by providing tangible practices and tools that ensure personal development, radical self-discovery, and a deepened self-awareness.
"Transformed People
transform people"
- Richard Rohr
How can we solve the problems in our organizations when those most in need of help do not see themselves as part of the problem?
Are you interested in discovering how the best leaders do their jobs so well in order for others to do their jobs even better?
*Suitable for large or small groups/teams
Do you feel you are the victim?
Do you struggle to think positively and honestly about yourself?
Do you project your feelings of self-betrayal onto others?
Are you wanting to reclaim your life and step into the roles of author, creator, and leader of your own reality?
Are you wanting to take a step forward on your spiritual journey, but are hesitant to do so because the fear of the unknown is too overwhelming?
Are you in a place that is so familiar and comfortable that it's no longer helping you to get to where you want to go?
Are you feeling called to transform/deepen your understanding of and relationship with concepts like faith, God, or religion?
The Enneagram teaches that there are 9 different personality types in the world, one of which we naturally gravitate towards and adopt in childhood to cope and feel safe.
Most folks assume they know who they are with “pretty good” understanding, even though they don’t. They don’t question the lens through which they see the world, where it came from, how it has shaped their lives or even if the vision of reality it gives them is distorted or true. Even more troubling, most people aren’t aware of how things that helped them survive as kids are now holding them back as adults. The Enneagram is a powerful tool for personal development.
Contact Wendy for individual Executive coaching, workshops, trainings based on the Enneagram